Frank Broughton's Digital Photography

The Trees of Zoar Valley

How to identify a tree with "ID IT" - Virgina Tech's online tree identification system
How to identify a tree with "What Tree Is That?" Arbor Day Foundation Online Guide

"Zoar Valley is now up to 46 confirmed tree species." - Tom Diggins, July 25, 2003
"...18th species in the canyon to be confirmed above 100'" - Tom Diggins October 13, 2003

Informational links provided with permission by the Virginia Tech Department of Forestry VTree ID chart & Wikipedia

The Trees of Zoar Valley:
Virginia Tech
Landowner Factsheet
Native Tree Society
1. American Basswood    
2. American Beech    
3. American Chestnut
4. American Elm    
5. American Sycamore    
6. Apple
7. Balsam Poplar
8. Bigtooth Aspen    
9. Bitternut Hickory    
10. Black Birch (sweet birch, cheery birch)    
11. Black Cherry    
12. Black Locust    
13. Black Tupelo (blackgum, sourgum)
14. Black Walnut    
15. Black Willow    
16. Butternut
rare (diseased)  
17. Chestnut Oak    
18. Cucumber Magnolia
19. Downy Serviceberry    
20. Eastern Cottonwood    
21. Eastern Hemlock    
22. Eastern Hophornbeam (American)
23. Eastern White Pine    
24. Flowering Dogwood    
25. Green Ash    
26. Japanese Larch
27. Northern Red Oak    
28. Norway Spruce
29. Paper Birch (American White Birch)
30. Red Maple    
31. Red Pine    
32. Sassafras    
33. Scotch Pine (scots pine)
34. Shagbark Hickory
35. Silver Maple    
36. Slippery Elm
37. Speckled Alder
38. Staghorn Sumac
39. Sugar Maple    
40. White Ash    
41. White Oak    
42. Yellow Birch    
43. Yellow Poplar (Tulip Tree - Tulip Poplar)
Honey Locust- ??    
Northern Catalpa - ??
Norway Maple - ??
Pin Oak - ??
Quaking Aspen - ??    
Witch-hazel - ??    
    1. Amur Honeysuckle - ??
    2. Bittersweet - ??
    3. English Ivy - ??
    4. Poison Ivy -
    5. Poison Oak -
    6. Supple Jack - ??
    7. Trumpet Creeper - ??
    8. Virginia Creeper -
    9. Wild Grape -

Zoar Valley Tree Data & Information from the Eastern Native Tree Society

Zoar Valley's Rucker Index:

  1. Tulip Tree - 156.0'
  2. American Sycamore - 153.0'
  3. White Ash - 139.0'
  4. Bitternut Hickory -  136.4'
  5. Eastern Cottonwood - 134.4'
  6. Northern Red Oak - 131.1'   140.3???
  7. American Beech  - 130.11
  8. American Basswood -128.7'
  9. Sugar Maple - 127.0' (on Knife Edge Ridge Terrace)
  10. Black Cherry - 126.4'

Rucker Index of 136.21' (all hardwoods) - 137.3 - Robert Leverett September 26, 2006

Black Walnut - 124.1
American Elm - 128.3
Shagbark Hicory 97.8'
American Sycamore 144.6' (Skinnydip Terrace)
Red Maple - 109.2'
Yellow Birch - 101.3' (Basswood Terrace)
Eastern Hophornbeam - 69.9'


ENT Thread on Zoar Valley Champion Trees - "It seems that New England is destined to trail western NY in the variety of tall hardwoods, courtesy of NY's spectacular Zoar Valley." - Robert Leverett

ENT Thread on Zoar Valley NY Trees - "I think Zoar Valley's gonna join the 130' foot club,'s gonna do it without any conifers. Whoa! Them's fightin' words from that there New Yorker!" - Tom Diggins

ENT Thread on the 2003 Zoar Valley "Tally in the Valley Event" and subsequent visits to Zoar by Tom Diggins and crew. A MUST READ! - Excellent thread on Zoar Valley giant trees discovered. "Zoar Valley always surprises us, but these past few days the news has been stunning..." - Thomas Diggins, June 10, 2003. "Zoar Valley continues to emerge as a very, very significant place, ecologically and with abundant scenic treasures." - Robert Leverett, June 30, 2003. "Thanks, my dear friend Bob, for the compliments on our "Tally in the Valley" event at Zoar Valley, one hour drive south of Buffalo. It was truly exciting to have you all out here to see the greatest discovery of the Western New York Old Growth Survey, which sponsored the event, along with the New York Old Growth Forest Association." Bruce Kershner, July 1, 2003

Eastern Native Tree Society's Zoar Valley Visual Tour of the Gallery of Giants - some pictures of Zoar's Giants

ENT Article listing some ages of a few trees in Zoar Valley - Edward Frank, October 16, 2007

This page last updated October 27, 2008


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