If you want to change the size of the text on your screen in almost any window, hold down the Control Key (Ctrl) and roll the scroll wheel on your mouse up or down to adjust the font size in the active window.
Neat aye?
… my adventures, scenic photography, tech tips, political opinion & more
If you want to change the size of the text on your screen in almost any window, hold down the Control Key (Ctrl) and roll the scroll wheel on your mouse up or down to adjust the font size in the active window.
Neat aye?
Google Sky – see the sky, moon and mars.
Microsoft Research WorldWide Telescope – See the universe live!
Looking to store your medical records in a safe online environment for easy access? Look no further. Google Health is going live after a year and a half in development.
With Google Health, you can:
See it live: Google Health
Read about it on the official Google Blog: Google Health, a first look.
Looking for freeware utility applications? Look no further. Here is an excellent list kept by Gizo Richards:
There is a bug is in viewing css style sheets with the Firebug plugin when you have a installed version of Firefox that was updated from v1.5x to version 2.x.
To fix this simply delete the following files from the “components” folder in the main Mozilla Firefox folder:
Then reinstall Firefox 2.x OVER the previous install – you do not have to uninstall Firefox.
For some unknown reason Microsoft’s Windows Media Player’s 10 & 11 do not show CD Text from audio CD’s. This plug-in will solve the problem. Download the file, install it and all is well:
From your phone call this number: 888-382-1222 or go to the website: DoNotCall.gov/register.